All About Violin Strings
Attention E String: if your violin has a fine tuner on the E string make sure to get the "Loop End" E. If you do not have a fine tuner on your E string then you will need to get the "Ball End" E string.
Violin Strings are something you will replace more then anything else. You will most likely spend more money on these four lightweight wires that come in a small paper package then you will on music, and perhaps even bow re-hairs. And rightly so! Without strings, your violin will not produce a sound...unless you count knocking on it with your fist (which by the way, I don't recommend).
Finding violin strings that fits your financial needs as well as optimizes your playing and the sound of your violin is not only important but necessary. Good strings will make a huge difference in the quality of your sound! Below are listed the different types of strings as well as the BEST strings within each category.
History of the Violin String
Comparison Of String Types
-Takes a long time to stretch & reach potential
-Does not stay in tune
-More expensive
-Warm depth with many complex overtones
-Pitch is harder to play accurate
-Powerful and Rich Sound
-Fairly quick 'break-in' time
-Relatively stable, and stays in tune
-Less expensive
-Has warm sound with some overtones
-Stable pitch
-Full and Mellow
-Overall most popular string
-Manufactured before synthetic strings
-Strong Strings
-Very Stable and durable
-Clear direct sound, few to no overtones
-Bright sound, this is the string of choice for many fiddlers
-Inexpensive, also choice for beginner violinist
Thomastik Vision - From the makers of Dominant we get another widely used and well reviewed violin string. These strings have brighter sounds than the Dominant and are said to have a "focused, clear, open and brilliant" tone. They have a quick break-in period and will run in price similar to the Dominant. If you are looking for a more rich, warm sound stick with Dominants, if you want to try something with a little more power (although less dimensional) then try the Vision.
"I use Pirastro's Evah Pirazzi strings on my 1713 Stradivarius. I find that they offer the best comination of power and quality. - Joshua Bell- After playing on Dominants for the majority of my violin years, I felt like I needed a change. A violin shop owner suggested the Evah Pirrazi. She said that it had a sound that was a little closer to that of a gut, but the advantages of a synthetic. It was a little more pricey than Dominants but not the most expensive string on the market. I decided to branch out and invest in the possibility of finding a new string that I love. It has been 3 years since I tried it, and I have stuck with Evah Pirazzi. I felt like it was a great match for my instrument. Evah Pirazzi strings give more power. You can get a great sound without a lot of effort. It was a great match for my violin. The Evah Pirazzi runs in price $70.00 to $80.00 for a set.
Obligato The Obligato is said to be the closest sounding synthetic string to the gut strings. This means that they offer a rich, warm sound with many overtones but don't have the unstability and slow response of a gut. Many musicians have found that they really like the Obligato Gold E
. So, even if Obligato is not their string of choice, they will often atleast use the Obligato Gold E. One major drawback to the Obligato is the price. Typically a set of these strings will run between $70.00 and $100.00 depending on the exact style you choose.
Piastro violin strings are great for the violinist that is wanting to explore gut strings. Piastro is a well known and respected string company of many years. They have three gut strings in particular worth mentioning.
Pirastro Eudoxa is a gut string. They have a wonderful sound that embodies the definition of gut string; rich, warm and beautiful full sound. The only drawbacks to the Eudoxa is a slow response, and it has been reported that this string can sound a little dull on newer instruments. As with all strings, it is a matter of matching the right string to the right instrument. If you feel like your string would work well with Eudoxa, give it a shot!
Pirastro Oliv is more brilliant than the Eudoxa (probably due to the precious metal in the windings). It also has a quicker response than most gut strings, but not as stable and quick as synthetic strings. Many violinist that switched from synthetic to gut end up playing (and staying) with the Oliv. They are more expensive, but can be such a joy to play on. Oliv strings typically run on average $30.00 per string.
Piastro Passion strings are said to be the best of both the Eudoxa and the Oliv. Pirastro claims that these "modern gut strings have complex overtones characteristic of gut strings, like Eudoxa and Oliv, but with better stability and a shorter break-in time than typical gut strings". Many of the reviews agree, and most musicians seem to like them.
Steel Core Strings - Recommended for Beginning Student and Fiddlers
The most well-known type of steel string is the SuperSensitive Red Label . Although it is not my favorite, it is affordable, and durable, and for these reasons is commonly used with beginners and on school violins. It's bright sound is appealing to fiddlers.