Real Life Organized
/About 2 weeks ago while sitting in my cluttered livingroom alone, I took a vote.
This is not really my house...but it could be!
I asked everyone present the following question, "anyone still feeling like you are playing catch up from the holidays?" Picture me jumping up and down with both hands raised in the air shouting. "ooo, me, me, me!"
Never mind that we are already half way through February; I am still finding Christmas tree ornaments in the cushions of my couch, reclaiming my budget from commercialistic foolishness, detoxifying the sugar running deep through my children's veins and constantly pulling our music instrument learning back up by the bootstraps and beyond 'Jolly Ol St Nicholas'.
I have come to the realization that the only one that can help me recover from my own lazy self destruction and disorganization that happened over the Holiday Season is ME!
I need to reclaim my life!
I am inviting you to join me!
It will begin today!
Before the holidays hit me in the face, I actually had some pretty decent models of organization in practice to placate the chaos that naturally happens in the home of 7 people. Those systems are the only thing keeping me going right now. I will share them with you as I double down on them. They are simple, practical, and awesome organization tips.
AND I will be on a quest to discover new ways and methods to organize my home and family time. There are holes in my armor that need to be fixed (I'm talking to you Mr. Laundry Basket) so that this coming Christmas 2016 doesn't drag into March 2017. I will be sharing these new ideas with you as well. If you have any great ideas, I'm always looking for GUEST blog posts, and links to awesome home organization websites. You can contact me here or leave a comment below to share.
I will document what I already do and what I hope to begin implementing throughout the next 60 days. If I don't it is because I have failed...and failure is not an option at this point! My family needs this! I need this! I can and will do this! I will come out victorious and gloriously organized!
We all know that when your home is organized there is more time for instrument practicing, and that is music to everyone's ears!